02 December, 2012

Samarth is here.

After a smooth 9 months or so, Samarth arrived on 9th August at Hill View Hospital in Ranchi. There was quite a crowd outside the operating room - His Nana, Nani, Mama, Mami, Mausi and Dadi were all there waiting to catch a glimpse of him. I was on the phone - talking with someone at work when the nurse came out of the door with a pink bundle in her arms asking for 'Sugandh ke saath kaun hai'. I hung up and was in front of the nurse. In an instant, we were all introduced to master Samarth, who was awake and looking at all of us.

There are so many things that I do not want to forget from that day that I will make a quick list  -
1) Seeing him for the first time
2) Seeing him again and again and noticing small things about him
3) Talking to the Mrs. in the OT and conceding defeat in a side bet which we had
4) Getting to hold him for the first time
5) Seeing him terrorise his mother and his Dadi during the first night
6) Seeing his Dadi sleep with him in one arm on the sofa
7) Seeing 6) the very next day with him and his Nani
8) Talking to Papa and telling him the good news
9) Joking with him on day 3 telling him that no one could fool him now as he wasn't born the day before

 It is good that I am making this list now, because I think I have already forgotten some of the things I wouldn't have liked to forget.

The next few months have been quite a ride - it is month 4 almost gone by and so many things have happened. He has outgrown two sizes of clothes and has turned on his own twice so far.

After ruling in Ranchi for 2.5 months, Samarth relocated to Delhi. He slept through his first journey by plane so much so that we have promptly booked him on a holiday to Goa in February. He is somewhat partial to old hindi film songs (which I approve), to 'Arziyan' from Delhi 6 (which I do not approve) and didn't like Gangnam style. He likes to suck on his hands and anything else found within darting distance of his tongue. He gurgles when his mother runs her hair on his face or when we are massaging him with oil (which happens about 4 times a day now). He looks more like his mother than anyone else and while he does not have dimples, he has received one marriage proposal already.

The Mrs. and I are playing the parts of paranoid mother and slightly befuddled father to perfection. 

Oh yes and there are about 1500 photographs and counting. And yes, we are almost broke with all the things we keep buying for him and he has more clothes than his father for sure now.
What are the other things which are going on - Envigo will turn 5 in a few months and we should have been bigger and better than what we are. We will no longer be able to hide ourselves in the story that we are young and still have a lot of grow into. I am trying to work harder, pushed more by the success of others than anything else.

That's that for now.

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